

Thursday, June 29, 2017

The XP: Chapter 17

The Plane of Judgement was made of an impossible number of tiny floating islands that stretched on as fa as the view distance would render. The sky was a wild ocean of bubbling clouds and constant lightening. Without warning a bolt of lightning came down and struck Bob. Her eyes turned a neon glowing white and she dew the sword from her Sabertar.
“Come and receive your judgment!” She shouted at the others.

Trart looked at The Matriarch. “What’s going on?” He asked.

The Matriarch shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, the last time I was here we arrived on a different island and fought a giant earth elemental.” She admitted.

Stygian Drew his gigantic sword and shield. As Bob leapt through the air and brought her sword down to meet his shield as he threw it up reflexively. “I think it’s us or her guys!” He shouted shoving her back with a heavy swing of his shield arm.

Blackout and the others drew their weapons as Bob turned into a whirling storm of destruction. None of them knew if the lightening would leave Bob or if they would have to kill her. She launched herself at Trart and before he thought about who he was really shooting he unleashed a stream of firepower from his chain gun which hit Bob hard knocking her to the ground. Her eyes went dark.

The others gathered around her and Trart grimaced. “Well I’m a dead man when she gets back.” He lamented.

The light left her eyes. And Stygian pointed it out. “She’s not possessed anymore, I think you’ll be fine.”

Trart shook his head. “I meant the actual Bob was going to kill when she resurrected ten minutes from now.” He clarified.

The lightening jumped from Bob’s body to Blackout. His eyes went electric white just as Bob’s had. He turned to face the others and smiled. “Why wait?” he said Blasting the other three back with a force wall.

Trart got to his feet to see that Blackout had put himself inside a healing bubble and begun to meditate. He crawled over to Stygian. “That bubble has about what fifteen thousand hit points with seven fifty regenerating per second? I can’t lay down that much suppressing fire, but I can get it down to the red line and you can crack the shield.” Trart said.

Stygian nodded. “That gets us through the shield what do we do once its down?” He asked.

The Matriarch appeared over his shoulder. “Leave that to me.” She said with serious determination on her face.

The trio stood and Trart leveled his weapon at Blackout’s shield and pummeled it with suppressing fire. IT turned from a neon white to a dingy yellow then to a muted dirty orange. Stygian took a short three step hop into the air and brought his giant black and blue sword down on the damaged shield shattering it into a million shards of light. Blackout looked shocked but pointed a hand at Stygian ready to attack with another spell, which he never cast as his body was impaled with what appeared to be giant knitting needles. The first two caused him to step back. The next six forced him to stumble, the final six knocked him to the ground. Stygian finished him off with a definitive chop of his blade.

“Do you think it’s over?” He asked as Blackouts eyes returned to normal and the lightening jumped to him. Light poured out from the eye slits of his helmet. “I’m just getting started.”

The Matriarch launched herself into the air and summoned a hail storm of knitting needles bringing them down in a deathly rain as they each impaled Stygian. There were hundreds of them and as the storm exhausted itself she lowered back to the ground closed her fists and watched as Stygian’s absolutely destroyed body didn’t move in the least as it was held fast by the hundreds of giant bars of metal piercing through him and into the ground. She took a few steps ahead of Trart and the lighting jumped to her. She spun around to face Trart to find him holding four active grenades, two in each hand. He smiled at her. “We win.” The grenades went off and everything went white.

When the white light faded Tart realized he and the others were floating on the island as spirits. The lightening attempted to jump from The Matriarch’s body to Trart’s but could not make it. It hovered above him as a little electrical storm and became increasingly chaotic before it dissipated completely. Their ghostly forms faded as they all returned to their bodies. Trart and the Matriarch sat up first.

“You blew me up.” The Matriarch accused.

Trart nodded. “I wanted to win.” He said without guilt.

The Matriarch shook her head. “You blew me up with grenades and sacrificed yourself.” She said.

Trart shrugged “Are you mad that I blew you up, or that you’re not the one who thought of it first?” He asked.

“Hey I’ve thought about blowing you up loads of times.” Blackout said walking over and helps The Matriarch to her feet.

“I’m more concerned that you’re crazier than a wood watch.” The Matriarch commented.

Blackout rolled his eyes. “Now she notices.

Trart made a rude gesture. “Did we or did we not win because of me?” He asked as a huge ornate treasure chest appeared. “I mean if you guys are so mad that we all died, I guess I’ll just take this treasure and –“

“Over my dead body.” Bob snapped.

“Been there done that.” Trart laughed as he opened the treasure chest and they all looked inside to check out their loot. 

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