

Friday, October 17, 2014

Blood And Profit: Chapter 15

Sorry for the lack of content the last few days! Real life has been keeping me busier than I normally like. As a form of apology today's post is a bit longer than usual. Enjoy :D

The Ship lifted off the ground and wavered for a second in a way that could not be described as calming. The soldiers in the bay were far enough back that none of the cargo containers that got knocked over were able to reach them. Still, they backed up a little closer to the door.

“Sorry! Sorry! Later someone will have to tell me why any ship would have an gravitational stabilizer button! I always want stabilizers on, when would I not want that?” Toll yelled, mostly too himself.

Carter leaned over and whispered to Rusty. “What's a gravitational stabilizer?” Rusty shrugged his shoulders and gripped his seatbelt tighter.

The rest of the departure was smooth. The ship backed out through the containment field without further incident. Once they were clear of the positively enormous Decency, Rusty's jaw hit the floor as he took in just how huge their previous vessel really was. No matter how far away from Destiny Toll got the ship just seemed to keep going, until they were far enough away that they got their first glimpse of the Corporate Asset 3175. And if the Decency was huge, the Asset was colossal. Rusty sat down hard. “Damn!” he gasped. Cater glanced out the window at the ship.

“Yeah, it's almost like they're compensating for something.” He quipped. Rusty was still in awe.

“The Decency can't defend itself against a ship that large.” he said. Carter shook his head.

“It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.”

“What?” both Rusty and Toll asked at the same time.

“You probably don't have dog fighting on your planet do you?” Carter smiled. “It's an old Earth saying, basically that size, while intimidating, is often out-shined by determination.” Toll turned the ship toward the Earth.

“So I'm pretty sure that the planet is Earth, but having never been there, is there a specific spot I should be headed for or what?” Carter scanned the passenger side control console, and pushed a button that bought up a 3D interface projection in mid air. He worked with the 3D interface and entered a series of numbers. A video feed of an unfamiliar young man popped up.

“Oh thank God your still alive!' The kid said. “We are in dee -”

“I know. I saw the papers.” Carter interrupted. “We can talk about that when I'm planet side, but right now you need to tell me how close we have to be for that assisted guidance thing.”

“Five hundred miles.” The kid didn't miss a beat. “why? where are you?” Carter looked to Toll for the answer.

“Don't look at me, I just fly this thing.” He shrugged his shoulders. The kid groaned and started messing with systems on his side.

“Ok look, just broadcast the numbers 3474 repeatedly on an open channel.” He commanded. “I'll find you.” Carter nodded and used the 3D interface to broadcast the number set as instructed. The kid looked away from the screen to get the computer to search for the signal. “Ok I found you. Please tell me you got permission from the captain to take one of her cruisers.” The kid looked exasperated.
Carter smiled “I never have before. I don't want her to think anything has changed.” He said.

“Because that would just be weird.” The kid said sarcastically. Carter glared at him. “Who's flying the ship?” The kid asked ignoring the glare.

“A runaway from colony six, his name is Toll. He and his friend Rusty arrived this side of the gate about a day ago.”

“Colony six turned their ring back on?” The kid asked. “That's going to cause some problems we weren’t counting on.” Carter shook his head.

“They came through without permission.” Carter transferred the information about Toll and Rusty to the computer The Kid was using. “Hijacked a ship and a ring console. As far as they know, the ring was shut off and is most likely being dismantled.” The kid scanned over the data.

“So by total fluke, two randoms from the colony that started this whole mess just happen to show up -” Carter muted the signal and checked to see if Toll or Rusty were following along. Both of them were. The kid saw that he was on mute and was miming knocking on the screen.

“What mess is he talking about?” Rusty asked. Carter sighed and turned the audio on the call back on.

“Warren would you be so kind as to prepare a small presentation about what the current situation is between the corporation and the settlers? I'd like to get them up to speed while I am dealing with BoBo.” Warren nodded and continued to mess with the computers on his side of the call.

“Oh, by the way, we've got you on assisted flight. We'll have you dirt bound in about fifteen.” He said and ended the call. Toll let go of the controls and turned his chair to face Carter.

“You didn't just need me to drive you here, did you.” He accused. Carter nodded.

“You two have a lot to learn. I didn't have the time to fill you in until now.” Carter explained. “Warren will make sure you learn everything you want to know when we land. Then we can talk about where we go from here.”

“Any chance going home might be an option?” Rusty asked. Carter shook his head.

'Not since your arrival here proved to the corporation that Colony Six still exists.” He said sadly. “You boys and the Pacific Free Zone are the only thing keeping your colony safe right now.” He stated as the California coast line became visible on the planet below.