

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Blood and Profit: Chapter 24

Three days in the group of trainees had shrunken considerably. The vomit comet alone caused a third of them to quit. The ones who were left had logged nearly ten hours of simulator time a day. Toll got them into their real planes on day four. With eighteen trainees and only fifteen planes Toll decided to break them up into squads of three, sending three squads up at a time and overseeing their tests and mock combat trials. By the seventh day Toll was very nearly a zombie and his trainees were lucky to have avoided serious injury or death by the end of the week. He sent a message to everyone giving them the day off.  He knew that they would do wild and crazy things like sleep for more than forty five minutes at a time and possibly even eat full meals or take showers. He finished sending the message out and placed his phone on the bedside table. Toll shut his eyes with every intention to sleep through the next twelve hours of human history.

Which is why there was a knock at his door. He opened his eyes in defeat and shuffled across the room, hitting the keypad revealed Carter. He was leaning against the door jam. His nano inhaler permanently attached to his bottom lip. Toll glared at him. “How much time in a day do you spend trying to look like a heart throb from the 1950's?” He asked while moving out of the way to let Carter in.

Carter stood up full and turned away from the door. “How much time does the sun think about trying to set in the west?” He asked. “We've got a meeting.” He said walking down the hall.

Toll left his room and trotted down the hall to catch up to Carter. “Is this a talking or a listening meeting?” He asked.

“As long as it's not a snoring meeting you can do as you please.” Carter offered.

“Donuts?” Asked Toll.

“That is the German word for meeting.” Carter replied.

“You're in a mood.” Toll pointed out.

“I'm a scientist, this wannabe junta stuff makes me uncomfortable.” Carter muttered

“So why do it then?” Toll pried.

“Because if me being uncomfortable keeps septillions of people alive then i'll gladly be uncomfortable.” He stated. Toll nodded. Cater glanced at him. “You look like hell by the way.”

“That's it, I wanna break up.” Toll snapped.

“Eh, I only asked you out in the first place because my friend bet me I couldn't turn you into the prom queen.” Carter shot back. He opened the door to the meeting room. Toll followed him in.
“Always with the maple bars! Who the hell likes maple bars!” Toll yelled as the door slid shut.