

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Shades of Justice: Chapter 5

Raptarus had thoroughly beaten the Shades. Each of them was down, winded, bloody, or broken. 

Kelly was on her back, visor cracked, unevenly dashed on a pile of rubble. “Technarius, got any tips for us on this guy?” She groaned.

His voice came through heavy static. “You swim the five hundred yeah?” He asked. 

Kelly rolled over, sliding off the rubble pile and landing painfully on her side. “Yeah why?” She asked.

“Where does your mind go when you swim it?” he asked.

“I don’t know what that means.” Frustration added itself to her anger and pain.

“Are you mentally tracking each moment of the five hundred or does your body take over?” He clarified.

“I guess my body does kind of take over.” She admitted.

“Then do that now. All fo you have to find a way to let your body take over your mind.” 

Kelly sat up as Technarius’ voice faded from her helmet.

“I need Muse.” She demanded.

“Anything specific? He asked.

“Reapers.’ She replied, getting to her feet painfully slow. The drums filled her helmet as Raptarus turned to see her standing.

“Well now, one of you has some soul after all.” He readied his staff.

Kelly materialized a second Black light Saber and engaged Raptarus. As they traded blows, it became clear that Kelly was moving with a speed and grace nearly super human. Raptarus lost ground and found himself on the defensive, retreating step by hard fought step. She pressed forward until he had moved almost twenty feet away from the other three shades.

Raptarus took note of the missing fifth shade. Spinning his staff he locked Kelly up in an awkward block. He Leaned in to a point where she would have been able to feel his breath if it weren’t for her helmet and revealed a nasty grin. “Where’s your little red friend?” He growled.

Gordon’s kick solidly connected with Raptarus’ pelvis from behind. The impact echoed through the rubble. Raptarus dropped to his knees in shock. “Ok, that hurt.” He groaned before crumpling to a ball on the ground and passing out.

Kelly’s sabers powered down and the others limped over to join the pair to stand over the body of their defeated foe. “Bet your glad you practiced all those kicks now.” Kelly laughed.

Gordon shook his head. “I still can’t feel my foot.” He reminded her.

The center of Raptarus’ staff started to glow a bright red, slowly at first but it got faster and brighter.

“Um guys I don’t think we should be standing here.” Warren said as Raptarus’ body began to grow at an insane rate. 

The Shades ran for cover as he regained consciousness and got back to his now gigantic feet. He was easily fifty feet tall and just one of his feet could decimate any one of the buildings left on campus.