It wasn't a long walk for Rodney to get home so his Grandmother was still up puttering around the house. He hand't known her for long, in fact he had only learned of her existence after his parents had died. They had been living together for almost a month and he found her to be as cool as any old person could be. She volunteered at the local library, listened to current music and even had a pretty decent computer in her home. He still wasn't super familiar with her, but after a month he was beginning to wonder why his parents never mentioned her.
He kicked his shoes off by the front door and hung his jacket on the coat rack. She came out of of the kitchen with a kitchen towel over her shoulder. "And where have you been all day and night?" She asked with a smile.
She followed him into the living room as he told her about his day. "I found the pizza place. Vivian's brother works there." He said assuming that she would know which Vivian he was talking about.
His grandmother nodded. "He doesn't just work there, he owns it." She replied.
Rodney grabbed the remote for the TV and dropped into the couch. surprised by her statement. "There's no way he owns that place grandma." He said.
She sat in her ancient recliner. "And what makes you say that?" She asked.
Rodney shrugged his shoulders. "If I were him and I owned that place, i'd be a nervous wreck and worrying about going of out business." He replied.
Grandma shook her head. "Well you ain't him. He and his sister are "independently wealthy"" She held her hands up putting air quotes around independently wealthy for Rodney's benefit.
He nodded. "They dot com'ers?" He asked flipping through channels.
Grandma shrugged. "No clue, for all the good this town's near supernatural gossip powers can do, their story is one that we've yet to uncover." she sighed.
Rodney's curiosity was piqued. "Supernatural gossip powers?" The words didn't fit any better in his mouth than they did his ears.
Grandma nodded. " You'll get used to it. Secrets in this town have a habit of becoming well known facts." She warned. "The more you want something to stay private, the quicker people seem to know all about it." She sighed. "Stay here long enough and you just stop fighting it. Everyone's lives are a matter of public record in Spoonerville." She finished.
Rodney considered this instead of listening to the souless delivery of brainless dialog to the endless delight of the laugh box that filled every episode of "The Big Bang Theory."