

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Shades of Justice: Chapter 3

The kids and the Robot appeared in a well-lit cave. Dante was the first to speak up. “Whelp we’re dumb.” He stated as the robot walked down the stone hallway.

“How so?” the robot asked.

“Because we just teleported to god knows where with some robot alien who for all we know was working with those cannibal alien lizard things.” Sonya said with a sense of depression.

The robot stopped and turned around. “Ok A: my name is Technarius. B: you saved my arm, I saved your lives, so let’s be friends. C: those things don’t work for me.”

Warren called out after Technarius as he rounded the corner. “what were those things?”

“Not my friends, now get in here we’ve got a lot to cover!” His robotic voice echoed down the hallway. The group exchanged down the hall. None of them expected what they saw around the corner.

The rough cut natural stone hallway gave way to brushed metal curves that opened up into a huge open command center. There were rows and rows of computer stations and on the far wall was a dull crystal mosaic. Technarius was busy at the nearest computer console.

“Lumarion, I’mmmm Baaaaaack!” Technarius’ robotic voice auto tuned his statement and the dull crystal mosaic lit up in a flash.

“Who are the children Technarius?” The crystal wall flashed fields and stars of colors.

“These children are a direct result of you wanting me to go to the prismatic cluster when you could have just sent a beam of light.”

“You were attacked.” Lumarion blinked.

“I was shot out of the sky by a Cretacian patrol squad. I crashed into a high school library and almost killed myself and these five kids. Thanks for making it sound like I stubbed by toe.”

Sonya snapped “What the hell is going on?” Technarius turned his attention to the kids, Lumarion’s lights began to fluctuate.

“You have stumbled upon on ancient secret, and if you choose to, you will carry the burden of that secret for your generation.”

Gordon was looking at the consoles. “What’s the secret?”

Technarius pressed a button on his console and five chairs appeared out of thin air. “Have a seat.” The kids all sat as Lumarion’s lights sped up.

“I am one of the last of the Shimmeron, overseer and the guiding light of earth. Technarius is my loyal friend and trusted assistant.”

“I’m his partner, his right and left hands, and the enforcer of his will in all things.” Technarius gloated.

“We get it!” Kelly groaned. “Lumarion why would earth need a guiding light?” she asked.

“Before time was time, the Shimmeron traveled the universe and populated every corner of it with the light of creation. We had no rules, no boundaries, our only goal was to banish the eternal darkness of the void.” Lumarion shimmered as he explained.

Sonya asked “So how come we’ve never see any of the stuff you’ve created?” Lumarion’s lights paused as he considered the answer.

We discovered the void had no interest in being banished. It created Stygian and his void soldiers to destroy what we had made. Stygian is a creature of pure darkness, and his warriors follow his every command without question. We lost countless worlds to their fury. Stygian and his solders exterminated our light with ruthless efficiency. Those of us who had survived that first assault came up with a plan, we created the Machinate and sent them to every world we had populated. Our emissaries empowered countless races to defend their races from the void.

“Empowered?” Gordon asked.

Technarius produced a box, he lifted the lid and revealed five pairs of sunglasses, the box had an indent for a sixth pair as well. The glasses were red, black, blue, purple, and green. Lumarion’s lights began to pulsate again.

“As I said, if you choose, you will become the last line of defense between earth and the void. You will become the champions of light, you will become The Shades of Justice!” Lumarion’s voice echoed to the ceiling of the room. The kids looked unimpressed.

“What does that mean?” Kelly asked.

Technarious walked over to her and held the box out for her. “Pick a set of glasses and find out.”

Kelly looked at the glasses and picked the purple pair. Technarious moved down the line, Sonya took the black pair, Gordon took the red, Dante took the Blue, and Warren the green. One by one they tried the glasses on.

“Now, bond to your new armor by speaking your name and the command ‘Step into Shade’”

Sonya broke from her inspection of her glasses, everyone else was looking at her. “What?” She asked.

Kelly nodded at her glasses, “You’ve kinda been taking the boss roll so far. So, you first.”

Sonya thought it over and then put her glasses back on. “Sonya Cooper, Step into Shade!” There was a black flash and then Sonya was dressed head to toe in her shade suit. Her helmet had a solid black visor. Lumarion’s lights flashed.

“Sonya, you are Grayscale, able to harness many powers of the void but tempered by the application of light to reveal the truth and be a guiding light in your darkest hours.”

Dante put his glasses on. “Dante Wallace, Step into Shade!” A blue flash of light and Dante was wearing a blue suit and helmet similar in design to Sonya’s suit and helmet.

“Dante your mind is a tactical playground, your incredible talent for planning and execution make you a perfect example of Abyssal Blue.” Lumarion flashed.

Kelly stepped forward, her glasses already on. “Kelly Sullivan, Step into Shade!” When the purple flash of light faded she was wearing her own purple suit.

“Kelly, Your drive pushes you harder and further than many others. The time you spend alone gives you incredible insight into yourself and the world around you. You see what others cannot, you are Ultraviolet!”

Warren was next “Warren Reed, Step into shade!” A green flash and he two was in green armor.

“Warren green is the color of growth, the color of progress, the color of determination. You are Evergreen!” Lumarion flashed.

Gordon was staring into the lenses of his glasses. Lumarion waited a moment and then pressed forward.

“you fear that the heat of your barely controlled rage makes you a danger when the truth is without you the team has no heart.” Gordon put his glasses on.

“Gordon Andrews, Step into Shade!” The red flash of light cleared to reveal Gordon’s red suit.

“Gordon, Infrared light is not visible to the naked eye. But we use it to see the heat of the universe that’s inside all of us. What you think of as anger is misguided passion. What you have always seen as a weakness is 
your greatest strength. You are infrared! And together you are, The Shades of Justice!”

Monday, February 27, 2017

Blood and Profit: Chapter 28

One of Toll’s favorite things about space flight was the stars. He had spent his childhood looking into the night sky and making up stories for all the constellations. As an adult he still loved looking at the stars but now the constellations he had grown up with were gone. The sky was filled with different god’s and their foreign names and adventures, but they were still beautiful. He often found himself staring at these brilliant points of light and wondering if any of them were just the opposite side of the sky he had always known.

He had the squads split into groups of three, they were dog fighting, each team had a secret member worth ten points. If shot down, but if the other two members were shot down first then the ten points was void. It was a target awareness drill and it left a team of three sitting on the side lines at any one time.

Toll’s mind had wandered out into the stars as the drill went on round after round. His plane drifted into the engagement zone.

“Sir, it appears that you have moved into the engagement zone, is the drill over?” Preach’s robotic voice crackled in his flight helmet. Toll was brought back into the moment and moved himself back out of the zone. “Are you ok sir?” Preach asked.

“Yeah I’m fine Preach.” Toll watched the teams facing off against each other, move and counter move, both sides looking for something to betray which ship was the real target. “Hey Preach? Who in this group do you think is the best pilot?”

“Sharea” he answered almost immediately.

Toll was shocked. “What’s your reasoning?”

“She has fewer engagements than all but one other pilot, but she has the third highest kill to death ratio.m She doesn’t start fights, but she will finish them. Her record of being show down is in the bottom quarter of the squad which means she’s most of her time in the air waiting for someone to pick a fight with her. And most importantly when assigned as a wing man she has never let her lead get shot down before she is.”

Toll pulled her stats up on his console to verify. “So not quick to anger, self-sacrificing, and efficient in a fight.”

The loosing team from the closest engagement few to the side lines. And Preah’s team entered the combat zone. Toll contacted Darren privately to let him know he was the secret score plane.

When they had returned to Earth Toll was approached by Preach. “I believe you left the meeting before we had fully explained the scope of the assault plan. If you would like I can set up a meeting with Third and Carter and we can finalize our assault.”

Toll thought it over for a moment as Preach got onto the bus with the rest of the squad. Toll stood by the door as his pilots climbed on one by one. He stopped Sharea as she approached the door. “Get civil and meet up with Preach, you’re going to join us at a meeting.”

“Yes sir.” She nodded and climbed onto the bus. Toll followed her and doors closed behind him.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Blood and Profit: Chapter 27

Toll was sitting in the infirmary letting a medic bandage his hand. Ophelia came around the corner and entered the little area where he was being treated.

“You must have really had enough of that wall’s crap.” No humor in her voice.

Toll just stared at his hands. “I go blind sometimes.”

Ophelia nodded. “So much frustration builds up until you can’t even see. One way or the other it’s going to come out.” Toll waved off the medic who glanced at Ophelia. She nodded and took the bandages from the medic as he left the room.

Toll took a deep breath trying to stay on an even keel and failing. Pinching the bridge of his nose with his undamaged hand. “I keep trying -“ He stopped suddenly and took a few more breaths to try and avoid breaking down. “People are going to die because I was bored.”

Ophelia sat on the medic’s stool and continued to bandage where the medic left off. “Well that’s bullshit and you know it. Your arrival hasn’t here hasn’t done anything but give us the opportunity to maybe save some lives in the long run. And anything that was going to happen back on your home planet was going to happen whether or not you were there. Toll is not the mover and shaker of universes.” She sealed the bandage with tape.

Toll looked at his hand. “I’m pretty sure I’m not even a mover and shaker of Toll most of the time.”

Ophelia let go of his hand and stood up. “No you’re not. I’ll bet you’ve spent most of your life reaching the precipice of life changing moments and consistently run away from them.”

“I’m not a coward!” Toll almost hit the bench he was sitting on.

“Cowards know why they're running. You just run for reason’s I doubt even you understand.” Ophelia sat next to Toll on the bench as he stared at his bandaged hand.

“Was there anyone in history that didn’t want to be what history turned them into?” He asked. Ophelia nodded.

“George Washington.” She smiled.

“Who was he?” Toll asked.

“The first President of a country called The United States of America.” She pulled her tablet out of her jacket and brought up a picture.

“I highly doubt you accidentally become the leader of an entire nation without wanting to.”  Toll took the tablet and stared at the man.

“The United States had just fought for their independence from a country called Great Britain. The war was hard and the British army vastly outnumbered the American forces.” She stood up and began to pace in front of Toll.  “Washington suffered several defeats and yet through incredible bravery and desperation he led his men and ultimately the American people to defeating the British and winning their freedom.”  She stopped pacing and looked at Toll, a smile on her face.

“And that’s how he became president?” Toll asked.

“No, after the war he retired to his farm for five years. Only returning to oversee the organization of men that set down the rules of law and reason for the newly formed United States because they asked him to. He never took power, only accepted its burden willingly at the behest of his countrymen. For that and many other reasons his name and legacy was a point of pride even long after the end of the United States.”

“So history remembers him as a great leader and he didn’t ever want to be. Yeah that sounds like a guy who got a raw deal” Toll handed the tablet back to Ophelia.

“He did get a raw deal, because for everything he did and for all the greatness we remember him for. He ultimately failed to stop the creation of political parties. An idea he felt would lead to the inevitable destruction of the country he loved. He wanted a unified and focused leadership that worked for the greater good. Political parties inevitably split the nation down the middle and devoured everything great about it like wild animals. He became one of history’s greatest leaders and yet the nation he loved ended up giving nothing more than lip service to the ideals he held and the goals he strove for. He saw it happen right in front of his eyes and it happened until there was no more America left to betray him.”

“And why would I want that?” He asked.

Ophelia sat back down. “You don’t. And luckily you won’t ever have to worry about it. You’re so afraid of doing the wrong thing you’ve never done anything, and history doesn’t have time for people who’ve never done anything.” She put her tablet back in her jacket.

“Thanks for that.” Toll sighed.

“It’s a harsh truth dear. You’ve run away from more chances than most ever get, so shit, or get off the pot. If you don’t, Rusty will, and then he won’t be there to save you anymore.” She stood up for the last time, leaned over to look Toll in the eye and then kiss him softly on the forehead. “You’re an amazing person Toll, you just need to pull your head out of your ass.” She smiled and left the alcove.

The medic came back in with some pills in a tiny bottle. “You’ll probably want these once the numbing gel wears off.”

Toll nodded took the bottle with his uninjured hand and pocketed it on his way out of the alcove.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Shades of Justice: Chapter 2

With the sounds of chaos faded Sonya climbed out from the rubble of the desk that had barely saved her life. She saw Kelly and Gordon climbing out from under their own obliterated desk as well. The hole in the library was now visible from the back of the room where they were standing. There were small fires in several places as ship debris had set stacks of books a light.

“What the hell was that?” A voice cried from under a destroyed desk In what used to be the library’s computer lab. She scrambled over the ruined books shelves and discovered the boy was trapped under his desk by a section of wall that had fallen.

“Guys I need help!” Sonya called out. She turned back to the desk to find another kid climbing out from under his own rubble.

“Don’t worry, we’ve got this.” He said getting a grip on the section of wall. “lift on three okay?” He confirmed. Sonya got a good grip as he counted up. “One, two three.” They lifted the wall enough for the trapped kid to escape and then dropped the wall with a crushing smash.

“Thanks…” Sonya offered, waiting for a name.

“Warren” He offered.

“Yeah thanks Warren” the newly rescued kid said.

“No problem Dante. Now do you three know what the hell just happened?” Warren asked. Pointing at the burning wreckage of the ship and library.

“Clearly that is an alien spaceship that has crash landed into our school’s library.” Sonya pointed at the crash.

“The only logical explanation is that you are being punk’d.” Kelly interrupted. Everyone looked her way, no one laughed. “What? I’m not allowed to be the funny one?” She threw her hands in the air.

“Moving on, how do we know its alien?” Warren asked. Again clueless looks passed among the group. One by one they made their way toward the spaceship. They got close enough to see that the cockpit window had shattered and the pilot was a robot. It’s left arm had been severed around the bicep and was missing.

“That, is a weird looking alien” Dante commented while trying to keep his balance on a pile of book and broken shelving.

The pilots face lit up and the frayed wires sticking out of his arm stump sparked. “That’s because I’m not an alien. I’m a robot.” The kids all flinched in shock. The robot looked at his severed arm and groaned in annoyance. “Well that’s not good, kinda need that to get us out of this mess.” He grabbed the central metal cable sticking out of his arm and shook It vigorously. A few feet away a pile of books wiggled. “Someone wanna grab that so we can get out of here?” Gordon scrambled over the wiggling pile of books tossing them aside until he uncovered the severed arm opening and closing its hand.

“What makes you think we’re going with you?” she asked ask Gordon made his way back to the ship. The robot held up his functional had with three fingers up and dropped them one at a time, counting down. When he dropped his third finger Two dinosaur looking humanoids appeared in the giant hole in the library.

“look Ungar!” Humans!” Commander didn’t say nothing about bringing back no humans! Can I eat ‘em?”

Ungar pulled a brutal looking sword off his back. “Not if I eat them first!

Sonya looked to the robot with Terror in her eyes. “Where are we going?”

The robot grabbed his severed arm out of Gordon’s hands and held it close enough to the cable sticking out the stump that the two halves sensed each other and reattached. The stump pulled the severed piece in and the metal rebounded. In the blink of an eye it was over and it was impossible to tell it had ever been damaged. He held out his hands. “everyone hold hands if you want to live!” The five kids scrambled to reach the robot and clasped hands. The second the circle was completed they were gone. The two dinosaur troops reached the empty crashed ship.

Ungar smelled the air but couldn’t sense where the humans had gone, just that they had disappeared. He dropped the tip of his sword to the ground in disappointment “Commander won’t like this.”

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Blood and Profit: Chapter 26

Rusty had officially moved into his office early in the second week he had access to it. Currently he was pacing back and forth and trying to figure out a more efficient way to express his rage than punching something. The door chime beeped.

“Go away Toll!” He yelled.

Carter’s voice was muted due to the door but he could still hear “Open the door kid.”

Rusty growled, and begrudgingly pressed the button to let Connor in. Rusty went back to pacing.

“Looking good Rusty.” He said entering the office.

“Feeling good Carter” Rusty grunted.

“I love that movie.” Carter said. Plopping himself into Rusty’s office chair.

“What movie?” Rusty asked.
“Trading places, but that’s not important.” I need to have estimates on how we can bring the ring system back online when everything is all said and done. I’ll need graphs, time lines, and smart sounding science words that stink of certainty.” There was no humor in Carter’s face.

Rusty stopped pacing and his shoulders slumped. “I honestly have no idea how long it will take nor do I have the first bit of data to even start dreaming of an estimate.” He sighed.

“Then put together a team and start working on one. You just scared a lot of people, it’s time to start thinking about calming them down.” Carter puffed on his nano stick.

Rusty sat on his cot. “Look I’ll talk to Toll tomorrow, just –“

“I don’t care about Toll, you found the system reset commands. Finder’s keepers, He who controls the spice controls the universe, and other such platitudes that mean ‘responsibility sucks, get used to it’’ Carter stood up and walked over to the door. “We can’t just break the universe and walk away kid. We have to put our toys back when were done with them.” He pressed the keypad and the door slid open.

Rusty shook his head. “How are you always so flippant about this stuff?” He asked.

Carter puffed on his stick. “Because what you’re doing with the ring system is what I’m doing with human lives, difference is, human lives can’t be reset like nothing ever happened. Being flippant with people I trust is how I stay sane.”

Rusty nodded. “I’ll get my team together tonight.”

“Good” Carter stepped into the hallway, the door started to close and Carter stuck his hand out to catch it. “Rusty?”

“Yeah?” Rusty asked.

Carter hesitated for a second. Rusty was looking out the window at the fish. Carter knocked on the door jam “Watch trading places.” Rusty looked at him and nodded.

“Yeah, yeah I’ll do that.” He said.

Carter left the room and the door closed. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Shades of Justice: Chapter 1

The play was a disaster. Not in a hilariously quirky teen sex comedy kind of way either. Sonya could handle directing a flaming pile of high school theater if it was jerky, stilted Shakespeare or the schools fortieth presentation of ‘Our Town’ But the districts new list of ‘age appropriate’ material had nothing from Shakespeare, in fact it had nothing on it written before nineteen ninety six. So she and everyone else were stuck with ‘Let’s all be good students. A musical in five acts.’ The evening had mostly been wasted muddling through the opening number which took up half the first act ‘five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred detentions’. There were six weeks of rehearsal and she already hated the play as much as the rest of the cast.

She finished her performance notes, gathered her things into her backpack and slide it over her shoulders. She shut her desk lamp off and made her way to the auditorium exit. The door handle echoed in the empty hall. As she got closer to the parking lot she could hear the music coming from the football players cars. Thankfully she had parked several rows down and would be able to avoid them for the most part.

Gordon had had better practices, hell he had had better days. But thankfully the day was over and he could go home, ice up his foot and look at the nearly three thousand photos he had taken during the spirit day assembly.

Gordon pulled the strap of his duffel back higher up onto his shoulder as he hobbled out toward the parking lot. A girl with wet hair came out of the girl’s locker room and saw him, she did a double take for the girl’s locker room but decided to stay. Gordon stopped walking, they stood silent in the hallway.

“Bummer about the game yesterday.” She finally offered.

“yeah.” He nodded. He turned and continued to hobble for the door. She walked beside him.

“Was coach pretty mad?” she asked.

Gordon leaned against the wall next to the exit door. “I had to make five field goals every five yards all the way back to the thirty five yard lines. So yeah, I’d say he was pretty mad.”

Kelly looked unsure of herself. “Is that a lot?” she asked as the girls locker room door exploded open again and the cheerleaders appeared in an exuberant pack. The leader of which grabbed Kelly’s hand.

“Let’s go Kelly, the guys are waiting.” The leader pulled Kelly into the mob and they headed out to the parking lot as a single unit. Gordon saw the rest of the team had parked their cars around his and were spraying it down with shaving cream and silly string. He sighed heavily and leaned back against the wall.

Kelly watched as the other girls climbed into the backs of half a dozen different cars. The head cheerleader also happened to be her sister which was the only reason she was in this situation. Her sister had climbed into the back of Tori’s car. He was the captain of the football team and a self-centered douche bag. “Get in the car Kelly!” she heard her sister shout over the music. Tori took one look at her wet hair and damp clothes and shook his head.

“Not unless she’s got a dry towel, I don’t want that pool water messing with my interior.” He ran his hands over the passenger seat. Kelly unzipped her bag and started to pull out her only towel. Two of the guys defacing the jeep jumped into one of the other cars and the driver peeled out and took off. 

“Too slow!” Tori yelled as he reached across slammed his door, revved his engine and took off after the rest of the pack. Leaving Kelly alone next to a jeep covered in piles of silly string and shaving cream.

“You guys suck!” she shouted futilely after the long gone caravan of popular kids.
Gordon hobbled up to his jeep and set his bag down. “if you help me scrape this mess off I can give you a ride home.”

“Thanks” She said, not thinking twice about the offer. Calling her parents was out of the question. She began to grab handfuls of wet slimy gunk off the driver’s side window. Each fistful hit the parking lot with a light splatter. Sonya walked past them as they worked to uncover the Jeep.

“Hey Kelly, how’s the swim team?” Sonya asked.

“Really great actually. We’re undefeated so far this season and I’m anchoring the 400 relay.” She slid a huge clump of string off the windshield. “how’s the play?”

“It’s a dumpster fire.” She replied, pulling a cigarette out of her bag and lighting it. “Don’t narc.”

“They can’t all be winners.” Gordon offered as he scraped crap off his car.

“I take you it speak from experience.” She sniped back. “Kelly you need a ride home, or you good with the white knight here?” She finished her cigarette and flicked the dead butt.

A blush began to form on Kelly’s face.  Sonya smiled and turned toward her car. “I’ll take that as a ‘get lost’ then.” Far in the distance what sounded like intermittent pounding on a bass drum. “Besides, sounds like the rest of the Calvary is coming back.” The thudding came closer and soon it became apparent it wasn’t on the ground but in the sky. Then just above the tree line were flashes of light. The flashes and the booming got closer and were definitely the same thing. Gordon got out of his jeep to get a better look at the spectacle. There were three smaller flying objects chasing a single larger flying object. The larger one being chased was venting smoking and on fire. The prey ship took a direct hit and it became clear that it wasn’t staying in the air much longer and it was coming awful close to the school.

“RUN!” Gordon yelled, slamming the door to his jeep. Kelly and Sonya didn’t need further encouragement and quickly shot past him as the crashing ship made its way toward the parking lot. The girls made it to the library door only to find it locked. “MOVE!” Gordon shouted and they were barely out of the way as he shoulder checked the door at full speed. It exploded into the library and Gordon hit the ground hard. The girls entered the building and helped Gordon to his feet, He growled in pain when Kelly touched his right shoulder. The ship hit the parking lot in a ball of flame and skidded toward the library.

“Gordon lets go!” Kelly screamed. The trio found and open door into the stacks and made their way to the far corner of the building as quickly as they could. It seemed impossible but the ship tore into the library seeming to have lost no momentum. They were against the furthest wall with nowhere left to go. Sonya doubted the huge group study desks would provide much protection but she shoved Kelly and Gordon under them as they heard the ship smash through row after row of stacks. They had no way of knowing if the ship was still coming because each row of stacks was falling into the next like dominoes. Until the final book stack crashed on top of the desk they were hiding under.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Blood and Profit: Chapter 25

The meeting was over. It had not been a snoring meeting. It hadn’t even been a talking or a listening meeting. It had been yelling meeting. Toll stormed out of the conference room enraged. Rusty followed after him.

“Toll wait!” he shouted.

Toll spun to face him. “You don’t know it you’ll be able to turn it back on!”

For the first time in his life Rusty stood his ground. “Yes! There has never been a system wide shut down. We have nothing, not even theoretically that tells us what to expect!”

“Don’t you think that the lack of information about this is all the proof you need that it shouldn’t be done?” Toll asked.

“Our entire plan hinges on shutting the ring system down. Whether or not it comes back on doesn’t matter!” Rusty stood fast.

“Yes it does! Without the ring system we can’t get home!” Toll gestured wildly, yelling at the top of his lungs..

“We’re never going home Toll!” Rusty exploded. “You never once thought through any of the consequences of your schemes! This is home now! That’s the consequence of coming here! Get used to it!” Rusty was red in the face. The other conference members quietly left the conference and headed the opposite direction down the hall.

Toll looked like he was about to fall apart. “Not if we can get back through the ring first.” He almost whispered.

 Rusty’s face was returning to its normal shade. “I’ve spent my entire life ignoring how truly selfish you are. There is so much more at stake here than whether or not we get home. The fact that you can’t see past your own nose has always gotten us into trouble. And if you’re not careful its going to get those fools you call pilots killed.” Rusty was still to angry to care about the daggers in Tolls eyes. “We’re here, we have responsibilities that we can’t run from, deal with it.” Rusty turned and stormed down the hall. He passed Ophelia and Carter without a word.

Ophelia moved to follow after rusty but Carter stopped her, nodding in Tolls direction where he was pacing, then suddenly exploded and punched the wall. His hand crumpled and he yelped as Ophelia stepped toward Toll. The knuckles on his ring finger and pinky were already starting to swell up and turn colors. “The movies never tell you that it hurts to punch things.”

Ophelia pulled her phone out of her pocket, pressed a couple buttons and then held it to her ear. “Yeah I need a medic in meeting corridor C, thanks.”