

Thursday, March 30, 2017

The XP: Chapter 4

The door to the trinket and magic shop opened the bell inside ringing as they exited out into the busy street. Bob was actively retelling a story about her favorite player character. “So the Matriarch accepted their challenge and all hell broke loose. No one on her team was allowed to interfere.”

Stygian was wide enough to part the crowds as the group walked in his wake. “And that’s how she earned the ‘Arbiter’ title?” He asked without turning around. “Damn she’s gotten way better.” He muttered.

Yermum was being shoved along by Blackout who was in the back of the group. “What’s the significance of the title?” he asked.

“Twenty five player kill streak.” Blackout answered. Yermum’s eyes got big. “DAMN!” He whistled..

Bob laughed. “The woman is death on wheels!” She shouted to the sky.

The gang turned a corner on to a much less busy side street and stopped in front of an unassuming building. The sign above the door says nothing more than ‘Names’.

Blackout gave Yermum a little shove. “In there.” He stated.

Yermum looked at the sign. “Why?” he asked.

Bob shrugged her shoulders. “You’re changing your name.”

Yermum shoulders dropped. “any particular reason?” He asked in desperation.

Stygian nodded. “Because ‘Your Mom’ is a joke name. You are not a joke. Pick a name you want people to actually say legitimately.”

Yermum looked at Bob. “You legitimately want people to call you ‘Bob’. He joked.

“Change your freaking name!” She exploded.

Yermum threw up his hands in defeat. “All right, all right I’m going already.” He whined as he went inside. A few minutes later he came out with ‘Rokzors’ having replaced ‘Yermum’. Bob snapped her fingers and pointed back at the name building. He turned around and went back inside. Emerging with ‘LayDkella’ Stygian stomped his foot and glared at Yermum who backed himself into the name building with a quick little shuffle. He finally came back with the word ‘Trart’ above his head.

Blackout glared at him. “I’m not finding anything in Urban Dictionary, what’s it mean?” He asked.

Trart shrugged his shoulders “Nothing. Just sounded cool and wasn’t taken by anyone else yet.

Blackout smiled. “Fine by me.” He approved.

Bob got nose to nose with Trart. “If I find out that this is some foreign word for something nasty I will hack your account so hard it will retard your children.”

Trart thought is over for a second. “We talking learning disorder or full on helmet?” He asked while dashing free of Bob’s grip as Stygian held her from chasing Trart. “Kidding! Not funny! My bad!” He bowed several times and Bob relaxed. Trart realized that his three new friends were looking him over from head to toe. “What?” he asked.

Blackout gripped his chin, considering his options. “Well you fixed your name. but now we gotta get this –“ He gestured to the entirety of Trart’s avatar. “Taken care of.”

Trart looked down at his mismatched, off color clothes. “What? What’s wrong with my gear?” He asked, completely clueless.

Stygian pointed to Trart’s feet. “For starters you are wearing two different shoes.”

Bob shook her head. “I didn’t even know that was possible.” She sighed.

Blackout nodded. “There are a few worthless gray items that are single shoes, noobs are supposed to sell them for early cash, not wear them.” Blackout glared at Trart.

Trart shrugged his shoulders. “I needed shoes, I got shoes! What does it matter what they look like?” He asked legitimately confused.

Bob. “Boys, let’s go shopping.” She turned toward the clothing and armor district.

Stygian clapped his armored hands. “I love this part!”

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