

Friday, August 4, 2017

Lidarion: Chapter 22

There’s a special moment, happens when you’ve stayed up through a time you would normally sleep and witness either the rising or the setting of the sun. the world goes through a transitional period that most people don’t pay attention to, the energy of everything seems to change slightly.

Trent was no stranger to losing sleep. It was almost always because his mind overpowered the needs of his body and ground him down with responsibility or worry. As sun rose over the tops of the Lidarion skyline Trent realized that this was the first time he had ever been unable to sleep because he was too happy. Alex had found the married couple an inn and they had spent the last few days alone, catching each other up on everything that had only ever trusted each other with since the beginning. This last night however he found himself distracted, his mind was trying to follow the path of options it could put together to deal with the inevitable failure to find the sigils. But then the candle on the far side of the room flickered and drew his attention for a moment. He saw Brooke fast asleep in their bed and all the worry was banished from his mind. Before he realized it he had sat beside the bed the entire night, at times watching her sleep, and other times just being grateful that the path of his life had brought him to this moment.

His stomach reminded him that since he was awake it was time to eat and so he quietly snuck out of the room to make his way to Alex’s place. The streets were devoid of everyone except the lamp extinguishers, moving in pairs down the street putting out the lamps that had been lit only hours before.

Alex was waiting for things to boil so she could start preparing breakfasts, when she heard a knock at the door. One of her assistants came into the kitchen to let her know that Trent was out in the seating area waiting to speak with her. She passed off the cooking and went out to greet her friend. “And where have you been the last three days?” She asked.

Alex’s entrance caught Trent by surprise and he jumped at the sound of her voice. “I couldn’t sleep and figured that as long as I was awake I might as well get breakfast for Brooke.” He explained.

Alex nodded and walked behind the bar to get a package wrapped in green cloth. “That’s nice of you. And I’m glad you stopped by because I have a gift for you.” She said.

He smiled “Presents?” held out his hands “gimmie!” he said with a smile.

She walked over and gave him the green lump of cloth. He undid the knot in the fabric and revealed a plain looking door knob. “Um…thanks?” He said unimpressed.

Alex picked up the door knob. “Yeah just listen dummy, this door knob is enchanted. Touch it to any flat surface and it will create a doorway that opens to the backdoor of the restaurant.” She touched the doorknob to the nearest wall and a blue box appeared on the wall and she was able to open it like a door. He could hear the back door of the restaurant open and close as she closed the blue line door and pull the knob away from the wall. “Jesus Alex how much did that thing cost?” He asked.

Alex handed him the door knob. “Not as much as it would hurt to lose any one of you, so I bought you an escape route.” She said with all seriousness.

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