

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Shades of Justice: chapter 31

Technarious was now back on his feet. His eyes were red and while there was visible damage on his body he was still very much in fighting shape. He opened his mouth and fired an energy beam at Blinding Light.

Blinding Light reached up with its right hand and the beam hit the bracer armor and hit the street several stories below, destroying everything in a twenty foot radius.

Blinding Light Reached its left hand to the sky and a lightning Bolt delivered the Lightning blade to its grip. The Lightening Blade was a massive two handed sword that crackled with electricity. Blinding light dropped into a defensive stance.

Technarious laughed. “Oh my little baby shades, we both know you don’t have the guts to kill me.” Technarious kicked what remained of a destroyed building. “You’re pathetic.” He shouted. “I could destroy this entire city and you’d still be frozen in indecisive terror!” He clenched his left fist and a long blade extended out from the outer part of this bicep. He swung his arm at the nearest undamaged building and just before the blade hit Blinding light dashed forward and blocked his swing. He looked at the robot and smiled. “Well now. Looks like there’s still some life in you yet.” He said as they wrestled over the fate of the building.

Deep inside Technarious Sonya was running as fast as she could down hallways of piping and cables. Following the digital path in her visor. She came to a gap small enough to jump and took it without evening thinking. The path showed that she had almost two hundred feet before she reached his power core.

Blinding light had pushed Technarious’ swing back far enough to save the building. He stepped back but didn’t appear shaken. “Not bat little babies. That might even be your first real success as a team.” He sarcastically gave them a slow clap. Blinding Light lunged forward with the lightning blade and Technarious parried easily. “Now, now. Just because you saved a building doesn’t mean the day is won children.” He took a retaliatory swing and cut deeply into Blinding Lights left leg. Sparks and fire exploded out from the wound.

In Blinding light’s command center The shades were looking at a read out of their status. It showed their energy reserves down by a third. “Sonya what’s your status?” Dante asked.

Inside Technarious Sonya was standing at the edge of what looked like an elevator shaft. Her map readout showed that the next hundred feet went straight down the shaft. “I need more time.” She replied.

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